A new partnership for the development of innovative SME’s

3 February 2022

OnePartner Integrated Digital Advisory Services, Value Services, STAM, MITO Technology and Studio Professionisti Associati signed a collaboration agreement to develop growth paths for innovative start-ups and SMEs in close collaboration with large companies, universities and national and international research centres.

This agreement establishes a team of more than 130 experts in the technological, scientific, and economic-financial sectors in support of business development in matters concerning national and European subsidized finance, strategic road-mapping and technology scouting, feasibility studies and prototyping of innovative systems, intellectual property management, and legal and tax consultancy.

The collaboration was created to implement multidisciplinary projects and initiatives with high technological content, enhancing digital platforms that allow the sharing of opportunities and may inspire relations between clients and their assets within a virtuous ecosystem of open innovation.

This partnership has a strong track record over the past five years of more than EUR 400 million marshalled in the form of non-repayable, low-interest and venture capital funding with more than 150 clients/partners who have seen their growth plans supported in technical and financial terms.

OnePartner Integrated Digital Advisory Services, Value Services, STAM, MITO Technology and Studio Professionisti Associati thus reinforce their commitment to the business world by systemizing an offer of integrated services along the entire innovation cycle to address the emerging challenges of digitization and ecological transition in various industrial sectors, also in the light of Horizon Europe and PNRR resources.