Intellectual property

In a highly competitive economy, companies are increasingly dependent on their ideas, knowledge and innovations. Intellectual property helps ensure that these valuable assets are adequately protected to turn them into economic success. The protection of intellectual property is crucial for fostering innovation. Without the protection of ideas, companies and individuals would not reap the benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development.

OnePartner provides a full range of IP-related services on behalf of large multinationals, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and spin-offs, universities and research centres: an integrated service ranging from collecting invention disclosures, to assessing the requirements for protection, to the potential filing of the patent application managed by our lawyers.


  • Infringement clearance search and patentability opinions
  • Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis and measurement of the patent landscape and portfolio
  • Qualitative and quantitative valuation of intellectual property
  • Intellectual property due diligence for investors
  • Patent Box facility
  • Intellectual Property Law