Subsidized financing

OnePartner offers advice services specifically dedicated to European, national and regional subsidized financing opportunities.

We take all the actions designed to facilitate the disbursement of new financing and aimed at reducing the rates applied to or the collateral required from applicants: tax reliefs, non-repayable grants, subsidized financing, which promote competitiveness and development of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric by finding financial resources at more advantageous conditions.

OnePartner assists its clients by providing an objective analysis of their needs, by identifying the best financial solutions, by mediating with credit institutions, by searching for venture capital investors for start-ups, and by assisting companies in collecting all the documents required for creditworthiness inquiries.

In particular, thanks to PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), new and important instruments at EU, regional or national level are made available to companies to support innovation: OnePartner is able to support companies in accessing calls for tenders and funding, providing operational support in the submission, management and reporting of applications for subsidies.


  • Search for public funding
  • Multilevel planning
  • Management and Reporting
  • Investor Readiness
  • Search for Private Finance
  • Financial Engineering