Tax Area

OnePartner accompanies enterprises in the management of tax and fiscal issues, helping enterprises and entrepreneurs protect their interests in a regulatory scenario which is always changing.

Our activity includes managing the taxation of Italian companies and of Italian branches of foreign companies and supporting them in the management of their ordinary business activities and in their strategic and organizational choices.  We provide ongoing advice concerning direct and indirect tax matters, financial statements and corporate issues and the preparation of opinions on such matters. Communication with tax authorities, also in the event of litigation, is another aspect of our assistance.

OnePartner operates on various levels also in connection with extraordinary transactions such as the purchase and sale of company shareholdings, companies and business units, mergers, demergers, contributions, transformations and liquidations: OnePartner’s professionals are present throughout these processes, starting from  the identification of the goals of the concerned companies and entrepreneurs and continuing with the implementation of any resulting transaction, thanks to the experience they have gained in carrying out the solutions offered and adopted.

We also handle accounting and tax due diligence, audits and examination of corporate governance reorganization as well as restructuring within corporate acquisitions.


  • Tax Advice
  • Tax planning
  • Taxation of extraordinary transactions
  • Tax Due diligence
  • Tax Litigation
  • Tax Assistance in the internationalization process of companies
  • Transfer pricing
  • Patent Box facility